For everything you want to look up about a protein: Uniprot
A huge collection of online tools for analyzing proteins and other biological macromolecules: Expasy
Structural biology
For protein structure coordinates and data: rcsb
Public repository for cryo-EM maps and tomograms of macromolecular complexes and subcellular structures: EMDB
Public resource for raw EM and ET images: EMPIAR
National cryo-EM data collection facilities funded by the NIH:
Powerful graphical viewer for protein structures: PyMOL
Programs for the interactive visualization and analysis of protein structures and maps: Chimera and ChimeraX
A suite of structural biology applications (by paid subscription): SBGrid
Online learning
NYSBC course on cryo-EM with slides and videos
Grant Jensen’s tutorial videos on all things EM
CryoEM 101 with videos, animations, interactive simulations, and real data to help you learn cryo-EM
Cryo-EM book edited by Glaeser, Nogales, and Chiu
UC Davis
Molecular and Cellular Biology Department website
Biological Electron Microscopy facility website
Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology graduate group website
Biophysics graduate group website
Training grants and awards open to graduate students
College of Biological Sciences training grants
College of Biological Sciences awards
Awards and scholarships open to undergraduates interested in research
Through the College of Biological Sciences
Undergraduate Research Programs
Conferences of interest
American Crystallographic Association
3DEM Gordon Research Conference
Phosphorylation and G-Protein Mediated Signaling Networks Gordon Research Conference
American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics