We are looking for a Junior Specialist, a Postdoc, and a Project Scientist. Please click the appropriate link to apply!
Author: cashjn (Page 1 of 3)
Lily will be rotating with us for the first half of the winter quarter. You can read about her here.
This award will fund Chi’s research over the next year. Congratulations to Chi!
We are so proud of him and know that he will do great things during his grad studies and beyond!
Lauren and Chi received this award to attend an ASPET conference next year to further their professional development. We are so excited for them!
Matt has decided to join us for his dissertation work. We are so happy to have him with us!
We are recruiting a junior specialist and a postdoc. If you are interested in structural biology and/or signaling proteins, please apply!
Dr. Cash is affiliated with the BMCDB and Biophysics graduate programs. If you are interested in rotating in our lab, please contact her!
Alex is leaving us to head to grad school at the University of Michigan. We are so proud of them and wish them all the best on their journey through grad school!
Great news – the lab was awarded an NIH NIGMS R35 MIRA award to study RhoGEF structure and function! We are looking to recruit postdocs and graduate students!